The Best Lucha Libre is From Mexico
The Best Lucha Libre is from Mexico
By David del Toro
There is no better therapeutic session than to attend the best Lucha Libre in the world, the Mexican one. Whether you are rooting for “los tecnicos” or “ los rudos” the two big teams, whether you are a fan from El Santo or El Cavernario school, the immediate catharsis that happens when you express your opinion in the Arena, is much better valued medically than any pill that generates serotonin for you.

There is zero politically correctness you need to display in front of your favorite wrestler's opponent and in turn, the only thing that could end the folklore of the Arenas at la Lucha Libre is the inevitable birth of the “crystal generation.” Mexico is art, circus, strength, and resilience, that is why the natives identify so much with their Lucha Libre, coupled with the mystique that surrounds it by reserving the identity of its fighters behind a mask, which makes the imagination of children run wild and match the ring idols with superheroes.
Mexican wrestling has generated dozens upon dozens of heroic idols, it would be impossible to name them all at this point. I am going to focus on those who marked my childhood, because this sport is aimed at children, those at a young age and those with many years who refuse to grow up..

Carmelo Reyes Cien Caras, Atlantis, Lizmark, Octagón, El Rayo de Jalisco and El Perro Aguayo among others taught me what wrestling was in the nineties and why it had no rival in the world. With packed Arenas all over Mexico, rivalries that shone in the marquees, blood, sweat and primetime on Mexican television alongside famous movies.

What would Mexico be without its folklore? Unique and aged in the Arenas of the Mexican Republic, from the monumental Arena México to the humblest of them. No matter the venue, the experience begins with the "sale, sale” the people in the streets trying to make a living by guarding spots for your car, the lines that are never respected when buying tickets, by the piracy in merchandise of masks and costumes of the pankration idols, the warm beer that floods the crowds, the peanuts, “cueritos” , potatoes and cigarette smoke everywhere. What would Mexico be without its folklore?

Long live the best Lucha Libre in the world, the Mexican one.