Home Living
Discover Tools We Have in Our Kitchen That Will Amaze You!
El Molinillo is for Hot Chocolate

Growing up, brunch at our godmother’s house was a great deal. We were always invited during the holiday season right before Christmas time, always on a Sunday. Our godfather would wait at the door to greet us when we arrived, and he would always give us orange sugar candy in the shape of a basketball; you could not finish one before he offered you the next one. But the most exciting place to me was her kitchen; it was like you were transported to 1950, everything looked the same.
The table would be set and the food ready to be served, but before we all sat together, she would offer us a cup of her amazing hot chocolate. There are two famous brands, Ibarra or Abuelita, but she would spice it up with cinnamon and some vanilla. We would all gather in the kitchen and wait for her to finish whisking the hot chocolate with a molinillo. That was my first introduction to this fascinating wooden tool.
The molinillo is a carved wooden tool that is used to whisk hot chocolate to make it smooth and foamy. It has three different size rings that the bubbles! You can find beautiful pieces that can be used even for decoration.
Believe it or not, it is easy to use and there is even a popular saying that is traditionally recited to kids while whisking the chocolate. Once you have the pot of hot chocolate ready, place your molinillo, making sure you it is touching the bottom of the pot; use both of your hands and roll it back and forward as fast and strongly as you can; this movement will create a beautiful foam. While you do that, say the magic words to make the bubbles appear: